Thursday 5 April 2012



The society never understands ...but it should understand........
Dudes and dudettes ....this piece of writing is neither a portion of Btech curriculum nor do we have to complete any how for next morning semester exam...This is associated with emotions , the constraints, the pressures undergone by a btech student to become an ENGINEER. So please read this with heart not with mind.............
In our society it has became a mania that after doing plus1 and plus2 science the student should get into a well established professional studies(it may be engineering or medical in India).
There are many career aspirant  students those who have a professional interest in some other field but due to certain on avoidable circumstance and repugnant situation the get into a study out of their hearty interest..
The story of sorrow begins with this.......
Not all but some of us become like lifeless rail compartments thrown on rail tracks of engineering for four year dragged by so called rail engine of btech curriculum through which we should ,must and have to abide by. Here rail track signifies the forceful daily routine and schedule we have to follow .
There are many student who never thought of becoming an engineer , but due to certain unavoidable condition they get into a  private engineering college. In such situation though the college may be one of the best in the country but its a ragged prison for the student concerned. Students staying away from their parents , away from their home, hometown and away from their tests face difficulties to cope to the new surrounding and atmosphere and new friend circle.
On the other hand the competition blood of our society generates a keen competition among the social life where our parents stays i.e students hometown .The stupidity is such that the battle of competition to go ahead and to gain success in society begins even from our parents and guardians sphere. Its really idiotic to watch the ego clashes between parents and guardians on basis of which college their ward is studying and how much GPA is he scoring. So parents though not deliberately but put pressures on basis of his/her professional performance. By which an engineering student may be with or without any professional aspiration get into the Pascal of social image in his /her hometown or native. This becomes the first pressure on a single teen age mind of eighteen years old that he has to undergo.
Financial constraints is one of the slow poison that burdens the teenage mind staying away from their home. Economical pressures are aggravated due various causes and different practical conditions .In some cases the students do understand the actual financial strength of their parents and the pain undergone by them to admit their ward in such a costly private college. So sometimes they express their unwillingness to take more money from their parents .Sometimes the investments essential to counter the so called academic formalities exceed the limit of monthly pocket money provided to the students .In different cases student prefer to lend money from their friends but if they fail to return within a limited span the result is precarious. All these issue leads the young mind to be burdened beyond a threshold limit. Most of the students getting financed by the bank loan get pressurised by the refund guarantee of bank loan within the forth coming years. To clear the bank loans its essential to get into a job it may be any  it company. If student get through campus placement its great but some deserving students also fail to clear the campus placement exam conducted by the company.. and starts getting frustrated and tensed.
The most important challenge to the students is to clear all giant like 30 core subjects within four years which is really a Himalayan task. Students  encountering certain unavoidable repugnant condition get over stacked by burdens of back papers. These papers goes on piling up one after the other and finally it becomes a tedious task for the students to clear them. Exam time tables and schedules sometimes become mere formality rather a pathetic sarcasm for their precarious condition. Attending two tough core subjects at morning and after noon session becomes next to impossible. The over pressed burdened mind even don’t understand how to face the situation rather preferring to quite the exam. Some engineering colleges and university also prefer to give year back to students having bulk of back papers .Yes i do agree the decision is wise because he will be getting a second time limit to clear the back papers .But here nobody understands what shot of frustration goes in his mind when he is detained at home for one year while his fellow mates will be attending classes .Moreover some ego conscious students get emotionally burnt out when they think of attaining classes with their juniors and even go to an extend of committing dangerous crimes like suicide.
Hence i would like to drop full stop on this issue by saying that these twelve crore sixty one lac and forty four thousand second( 4 years)  will mould your future stone if used judiciously .Skilled manipulation of time had helped students to excel in flying colours .But my topic was not for the winners ,it was a tribute to a struggling student with excellent career named Suresh Kumar Yadav (my roommate) who  lost his life  by cerebral blood clot due to  pressures of failure of his engineering career .He was lost in jantaar mantaar of those 126144000 last lost his life

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