Thursday 5 April 2012



Er.Rudra Bhanu Satpathy

One Hundred and fifty years ago  epoch making English poetess Emily Elizabeth Dickinson said :





Man (homo-Spain) the social animal with his advanced brain power rules on all other creature of mother nature.Darwin’s theory of evolution states that human brain is most advanced and most modified version of mammalian brain  created through Course of evolution.

 ANATOMY OF BRAIN:Human brain can be segmented into three parts –Mid rain ,Hind brain and Fore brain.The fore brain consists of  Cerebrum and hypothalamus.The mid brain includes tectum and segmentum.And the hind brain consists of cerebellum ,medula oblongata and Pons.Its amazing to know that a males brain is 10% more heavier than a females brain.But weight of the  brain does not affect the ability or capability of reasoning on thinking.

POWER OF BRAIN:Human brain produces a power of 25 Watts.This power is enough to enlighten an electric bulb.Lets consider a person who is consuming a energy of 2400 calories a day.Then average energy gained by the person per hour is 100 calories which is equivalent ti 116.8 joules/sec.This is equal to 116watt.The brain consumes 20% of energy of body.So power generated in brain is 20% of 116 watt=23.3 watts(25 Watts approx)

TYPES OF MEMORY:Memory is of two types Short term memory and long term memory.The technical definition of short term memory is the fact or information which we remember of very short span of time to carry our objective  then it is removed from permanent location of the brain is called short term memory.The long term memory includes facts which we remember for years without forgetting them like our own name.The the long term memory is maintained by HYPO CAMPUS.The data's which we see,read or write is converted to electric signals and passed through hypo campus layers and stored by polarisation of neurons(brain cells).

Brain vs. SUPERCOMPUTER:The scientists and research scholars of brain research academy  says that our brain has a capacity of processing 0.1 quadrillion instructions per second.But one of the fastest super computer called  ROADRUNNER has a processing speed of 1.026 quadrillion instruction per second.In 1999 the fastest PC Processor chip 700 MgHz  PENTIUM had a capacity of processing 4200 million instructions per second .But our brain has a capacity of processing  frequency 1680000 mg hz instuctuion per second.By dividing we find that our brain alone is equivalent to 24000 computer of year 1999.

Ignite your brain:Soul concepts of SANATANA Dharma emphsizes on the Yogic power of meditation .Vedas and Upanishads of our ancient times  say “Budhir jashyam balam tashyam” which implies  the brain power is the greatest strength of man.Chronic research says that people practising meditation have made wonders.

Blue brain:Today IBM(International Business Machine) is caring out a project called “bluebrain”.Blue brain is an attempt to create a synthetic brain through reverse engineering of mammalian down to molecular level.The concept of Blue Brain  is to conserve or store the brain of a man after his death.The ways of brain exercises like reasoning or thinking of a man can be simulated or programmed to a software and a blue rain computer can be designed that function similar to it.

Albert Einstine’s brain:In year 1955 the haringer of Physics Albert Einstein closed his eyes of ever.His brain was taken within 7 hours of his death for research purpose.Scientist were stunned to see that his brain weighed only 1230 gms which is lighter than a  normal human brain weighing 1400 gms.But preresearch on this revealed that his brain consisted of large number of glial cells(Gllial cells are involved in metabolic activities) showing that his brain was involved in huge metabolic activities

Hence the day when Blue brain will be available with us the cruel facts of mortality will be converted to eternal reality where the technology shall work beyond the brain power

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